Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What Are The Different Kind Of Broad Heads

Different Kind Of Broad heads:

Rocket Ultimate Steel 100 This broad head blew through � inch plywood penetrating to depth of 26 inches. When shot in � inch plywood, broad head totally penetrated out back of plywood 6 inches. Blades were now very dull, but broad head remained in a perfect condition.

Steel Force Penetration through � inch plywood was 8 inches. Main blades stayed in very good shape but bleeder blades were somewhat damaged. When shot in � inch plywood, broad head did not penetrate. Blades separated from ferule & broad head were now no longer useable.

Thunderhead 100 Penetration on � inch plywood was about 12 inches and broad head remained in a perfect condition. When it was shot in � inch plywood, broad head penetrated 1 inch. Ferule stayed in very good condition & that was required to get this point back in hunting condition was the new piece of blades.

Trisca When shot in � inch plywood, blades sheared off on entry & broke in some pieces. Penetration was also respectable at 14 inches, but without any blades, broad head was rendered unproductive. Due to destruction on � inch plywood, there were no tests performed on � inch plywood.

Wasp Jackhammer 100 Penetration on � inch plywood was all a way to fletching on arrow. Broad head stayed in very good condition without any damage. However, when broad head was shot in � inch plywood, blades stayed closed & broad head had no penetration. Ferule & blades were intact & in very good condition. This was an only failure of mechanical broad head at time of these tests.

Wasp SST 100 Penetration was about 12 inches through � inch plywood and broad head continued no damage. When shot in � inch plywood, broad head did not penetrate plywood however had no damage to ferule. With replacement blades, this broad head was back in the shooting condition.
As you have read test results, I thought I will throw my 2 cents in to aid you know penetration. The arrow penetration is stopped by one thing only that is Friction. Friction is been defined as rubbing of an object against other and resistance to the motion of surfaces, which touch. Thus, as far as the penetration is concerned about, friction is something that you do not want. These tests results were conducted on broad heads, so I may not discuss how arrow shaft affects the penetration, how broad head may affect it. There are 3 key factors with the broad heads that I think decrease penetration. In addition, these factors are ferrule friction, blade friction, and frontal cross section.

Blade friction is very simple to know. Sharper the broad head you use, better will be the penetration. Sharp blade makes little friction since it travels through target, but dull blade makes lots of friction & decreases penetration. The blade thickness as well has much to do with the penetration. Thicker blade of about .036 inches is stronger than.020 inches blade, however it as well produces little more friction. In case you have blades of an equal sharpness, thinner blade will not penetrate thicker blade as it has less friction.

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