Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Paintball�s Number 1 Tip

In paintball there are several tips for the beginner or even the experienced paintballer. The thing to remember is keep an open mind otherwise you may miss some really good tips and techniques. So put your paintball gun down,custom bobblehead,How To Jump Higher In Basketball, your reloader too, and get ready for the number one tip for paintball. Did you know that when you are in a paintball contest that 82 of the winners are movers and shakers?

That means when your playing paintball with your friends the people who win the most are always on the move. Guess what? That should be your strategy also. Keep on the move,customize bobblehead, sit in one place when you need to but don�t ever stay in one place for very long. Today we are going to talk about the importance of staying on the move and how that relates to keeping you in the game longer. Anyone who has played the game knows that if you stay in one place for very long you get shot. Simple as that! Your opponents know where you are and guess what � they�re going to shoot you.

Of course your natural reaction to getting shot at is to duck,Tips for Short Vintage Wedding Dresses,customized bobbleheads, and with good reason,personalized bobbleheads, nobody wants to get shot. But if in the process of ducking you stay in the location where you were just shot at,custom bobbleheads, you become a target. Here�s why; when you duck you always have the tendency of peaking to find the enemy. And when you do they�ll be waiting and splat � right on the head � paint. In your size, style and favorite color. Now you through up your hands and find a neutral area to sit out the rest of the game. We�re going to fix that and right now.

Here is the tip for not becoming a target. Duck when you must but,,, always when peaking,personalized bobbleheads, peak your head up in a different location. Roll if you have to,personalized bobble heads, run or crawl but you need to move and do it quickly. Because if you were just shot at someone knows where you are. And if they know where you are they will try to shoot you again. You need to find a better location and do it now.

If your opponent thinks they know where you are they�ll hide and pop their head out quickly to try to shoot you again,custom bobbleheads. If you�re not there they can�t hit you. From another prospective, if you know where he was when he shot at you then you move and he thinks that you are still at your previous location and he pops his head out that might be a good opportunity for you to put some paint on him,Let Us Know, How The Manufactures Benefit From The Electronics Assembly Services,personalized bobble heads,Leasing IT Cloud Financing Services . Lease Your Hardware And Software Needs.

The point is don�t be a defensive player train your self to be an offensive player. Always be on the move and advancing towards your enemy. The reason the US Marines are so feared on the planet is because they don�t sit in the defense they are always on the offense regardless of whether there is oncoming fire or not. Your mission, should you choose to accept it,customize bobblehead, is to always locate your enemy,customized bobbleheads, find them and destroy them. Happy hunting.

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